Monday, February 25, 2008

Quite by accident

They are getting bigger all the time. They've grown an inch. Each! Just in the last month.

They are so cute and oblivious. What a wonderful way to go about your day to day things. Blithely missing everything but what you are focused on. It looks like a lot of fun. I never remember it.

One is in martial arts and piano, now. The other climbs everything and is constantly covered with food. I'll let you guess which is which.

But this too soon shall pass. I've had a few strange conversations lately about how fast time flies, in particular when you have kids. We are spending our time as judiciously as possible. I can't buy into the Driving everywhere all the time, to keep the kids busy. They need to learn how to busy themselves. A healthy balance must be struck for everyone's sanity.

So who's up for a game of cribbage?

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Beast!

Well I have to say that I am more than thrilled with the Chariot. It's a Cabriolet (oooooohh!). Two Kidlet version.

We picked this up this summer and have had a great time running around parks and cycling around the city. The two girls have fun while they are in the Chariot. We walked, hiked, jogged, went to baseball practice, cycled in the warm, cool and wet, and made countless trips back and forth to school. It is a God send.

But my biggest kudos have come from todays experience. The snow was wet yesterday but froze overnight. So nobody shoveled their walks, naturally. So it was going to be nightmare walking the kids to school, right?

Big fat hairy NO. It cruised over the bumps, snowbanks and curbs. Everyone asked where we got it. I love it. Normally I don't gush quite this much but the Chariot is turning into such a helpful piece of equipment. I couldn't recommend it enough.

Thank you Chariot People. Much love.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Growing Up

The girls are getting up in years. It is fascinating to see the growth and personalities develop independently. I hope to keep up with them. Continuing to grow and see them through everything from the good to the not so good. Right now it is papercuts and bumped noggins. Should it only ever be that way.

It shouldn't. They'll need more in order to grow and become big kids. Then adults. Oh, man, that is coming up way to fast. No one can really prepare you for the suddenness of their growing up. You can only hope to influence them. Do a little pruning here and there. Shape things up now and again. It almost seems like they are born with there personalities in place. A good environment just lets it grow and grow.

Man I love this.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Moving Right Along

I just found out that the voice of the Special Agent in The Incredibles was the same guy who did the animation for "the Ladybugs Picnic". You know the one. It's about counting to twelve. I still sing the damn thing from time to time. Much to R's chagrine. Come on, don't leave me hanging like that. You know exactly what I mean!

The weather finally turned today. I know this because there was an explosion of mittens and head-gear in the foyer today. (chagrine? foyer? I'm on a roll today!) The walk to school is getting a little chilly but the lunch run is a still just right. If I could only keep the wind down to a dull roar, that would be great. I mean, how can it be a headwind there and back?

So we are in my favorite season. Sports season. Baseball playoffs, football of many stripes, hockey and college b-ball is starting up. I don't necessarily watch all of it, it's just nice to know it is there if you need it.

My girls are gonna love the sports.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Not Long Now

We've settled into our new digs here. It is taking some adjusting though. New people, new attitudes, and new (old) pace of living.

So the girls are getting bigger by the minute. One is enjoying school and new friends and the other is talking and one high-step away from full out running. The school thing is a blast and we've begun piano lessons. It's amazing to hear songs being played from the very first day on. This is going to be a lot of fun.

We are off to the Cape this weekend for some food and fun. For my other projects some video is going to be shot and prepped for sale at a later time.

Anywho, it's a little late and I'm pretty much out of ideas. I'll have a few more later. Probably. Definite maybe.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Has it been that long?

Thanks Maggie,

Been a while so I think that I should stick to bullet points for now.

Hannah is 1. That was fast.

Reagen is going to school tomorrow. For real. Now the fun begins.

I've been working on the business for a month now. Starting to get some momentum. I like that.

Holly is trying to get business done and rebuild the house. No small task.

We've spent a little bit of time where the photo above was taken. Man that was rough. Thank goodness the grandparents were there to keep us sane. I mean, just look at that, it's the epitome of chaos, non?

And the girls just keep getting bigger. Case in point.

Man are we in trouble. So keep up the prodding and keep us posting. When we moved here I guess we thought that we were closer and didn't have to post anymore. Enough of that I guess. We'll be around.

Who loves ya?

Monday, May 21, 2007

That Ought'a Do It

Well here we are. The house is packed up less a few "need to live for a few days" items and we have only a few visits to make. It's not really stressful and everything is fairly organized. Thanks to Holly of course. I do the heavy lifting but she is the brains behind the operation. Reagen is handling it well and Hannah is as completely oblivious, as she should be.

The first day of the trip is going to be the long one. Quebec city-ish. The next, not so long, to St John. We keep reminding ourselves that we are in no rush and to take our tme on the way home. We'll make it a "cross Canada" trip. Complete with our own vesion of history. And what I don't know I will thoroughly enjoy filling in with random facts.

Now this means that we are expecting everyone to visit when we get home. That's the rule. New person in town = you must come and visit.